Command Palette


The Command Palette provides an easy way to perform common actions and access common settings.

To open the Command Palette, press the / key when in any Project. The Command Palette will open, and the options can be navigated using the keyboard or mouse. Additionally, the list of commands is filtered as a search value is typed, so a desired command can be easily found in the list using only the keyboard.

Command Palette

The Command Palette

Available Commands

The commands that are available within a Project vary depending on the project's structure. Some ara always available, and others are generated when the Command Palette opens.

Open current view in new tab - opens the currently selected view in a new browser tab

Open all workspaces page in new tab - opens the Hypertable "Home" page, displaying the list of all Workspaces and Project thumbnails, in an ew browser tab

Open other project in this workspace - opens the modal to open another Project within the same Workspace

Settings for current view - opens the settings modal for the currently selected View

Settings for current collection - opens the settings modal for the Collection associated with the currently selected View

Settings for current project - opens the settings modal for the current Project

Open view: [View name] - opens the specified View

  • An Open view command will be displayed for each View in the current Project.

Collection settings: [Collection name] - opens the settings modal for the specified Collection

  • A Collection settings command will be displayed for each Collection in the current Project.

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