5) Add a New Field to an Existing Collection

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Estimated time: 5-10 minutes


Open Project Collection Settings

  1. Open an existing Project
  2. Click the Project Settings button at the right-hand end of the Project header to open the Project settings page
  3. Click the Collections tab to show all the Collections in the Project

Edit Collection Settings

  1. Click the Edit button on a Collection in the list. The Edit Collection modal is displayed, allowing the Collection's settings to be edited.
  2. Click the Fields tab to display the list of all the Fields in the selected Collection

Add a Field

  1. In the Fields tab, click + Add Field to create a new Field in the Collection. A new Field is created in the Collection, and the Edit Field modal is displayed to edit the new Field's settings.
  2. Enter the Field's name in the Field Name input box
  3. Select the type of the new Field in the Type dropdown. A complete list of available Field types is available in the Fields documentation.
  4. Click Update in the Edit Field modal to update the new Field's settings
  5. Click Save & Close in the Edit Collection modal to save the updates to the Collection


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