

Records contain all the data stored in a Hypertable Project. Records can only exist within a Collection. The Collection Fields define what data can be stored in Records, and how it is displayed and edited.


Record Contents

All Records contain the following properties:

  • id - a unique ID used to identify the Record internally
  • title - the value of the Title Field defined in the Record's Collection. A human-readable identifier used to identify the Record to users
  • field values - the actual data stored in the Record, defined by the Collection's Fields
  • created/updated info - information describing which users created and updated the Record, and when
    • created at - the timestamp when the Record was created
    • created by - the ID of the user who created the Record
    • updated at - the timestamp when the Record was updated
    • updated by - the ID of the user who updated the Record

Editing Records


Open Record With


Sorting Records

Records can be sorted by one of more Fields. This may be for display in a Collection View, or displaying related Records in a Detail View for example.

A record sort in a particular Collection is defined by a list of Fields, with the direction in which to sort by each field (ascending or descending). The list is considered in order from top to bottom, so Fields specified at the top of the list have a greater effect than those specified at the bottom.

For example, to sort a "Customers" Collection by Status ascending then Name ascending, the sort would be defined like this:

  1. Status - Asc.
  2. Name - Asc.

The Sort Records modal enables a sort to be edited. Click the Add Sort button to add a Field to the list of sorting Fields. Reorder the priority of the Fields by dragging them with the handle. Remove a Field from the sort by clicking the button.

Most Field types can be used to sort Records, however some cannot. The following Field types cannot be used: Attachment, Button, Image, Join, Key-Value, Lookup, Reference, Summary.

Filtering Records

Records can be filtered by one or more Fields. A filter is comprised of a list of filtering operations, and a conjunction. The conjunction specifies how the list of filtering operations is applied, either all the operations must succeed (AND), or at least one must succeed (OR). The order in which the filtering operations is defined does not affect the application of the filter.

Each filtering operation defines some logical comparison to a selected Field. For example: "the Field 'Name' contains the text 'barry'"; or "the Field "Age" is greater than or equal to '18'". Each filtering operation specifies a Field from the Collection, an operation, and a comparison value.

Most Field Types can be used to filter Records, however some cannot. The following fields cannot be used to filter records: Button, Checklist, Lookup, Summary.

The operations available to apply to a Fields value depend on the type of Field selected. Available operations include:

  • equals
  • not equals
  • greater than
  • less than
  • greater than or equal
  • less than or equal
  • is empty
  • is not empty
  • contains
  • not contains

Some filter operations to not require a comparison value, like "is not empty". Where a comparison value is required, an appropriate input control is displayed to specify the value. For example, when filtering on a Select Field, the dropdown box containing the selectable options is displayed.

The Filter Records modal enables a filter to be edited. Click the Add Filter button to add a filter to the list of filtering operations. Reorder the filtering operations by dragging them with the handle. Delete a filtering operation from the list by clicking the button.

Searching Records


Record Edit History


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