2) Create and Edit Records

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Estimated time: 5-10 minutes


Select a Project

First select a Project. If you do not have any Projects, view the previous guide to get started.

Select a View

Once a Project has been opened, the Project Sidebar is displayed on the left-hand side of the page. The main purpose of the sidebar to provide access to Views with the current Project.

If the sidebar is not displayed, it may be collapsed. Either click the toggle sidebar icon at the left-hand end of the header or press Alt+S to toggle the sidebar.

Project templates come with a number of suitable Views to get you started quickly.

Simply Click a View in the Sidebar to open it.

There are a number of types of View available in Hypertable. Please see the Views documentation for a complete list and more detailed feature explanations.

View Types

Depending on the type of View, the available controls to create and edit Records will differ. This guide includes instructions for List Views and Kanban Views as they are the most common in the free templates.

Edit a Record

First select a Record:

List View:

  1. Click the "Edit" icon button at the right-hand end of the Record's row
  2. The selected Record is opened for editing

Kanban View:

  1. Click on a Card in a Column
  2. The selected Record is opened for editing

Once the Record is selected, it will either be opened in a Record Preview popup or in a dedicated Detail View, depending on the Project's settings.

In either case, the Record will have a number of Fields that may be edited. Different types of field have different controls to edit their values depending on their data. Please view the documentation page for a complete list.

Edits to Records are saved automatically. You may freely close the Record Preview or go back from the selected Record Detail View.

Create a Record

Creating a new Record in a selected View is simple:

List View:

  1. Click the + Create Record button in the top-right corner of the View
  2. The new Record is automatically opened for editing

Kanban View:

  1. At the bottom of one of the Kanban Columns, click the + Add Card button
  2. The new Record is automatically opened for editing


3) Search, filter, and sort Records »

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